Is your market conducted at your local showgound on Crown land? Then it’s in your best interest to participate in the consultation process just announced by the NSW Department of Industry.
Showgrounds are precious community resources and have played a vital role in developing our local food systems. In fact, they still do. Don’t let them disappear! Keep using your local showground — especially the few remaining (now) metropolitan sites — and let the NSW Government know how much you value your local showground.
The online survey closes on Sunday 27th May and nominations to participate in one of the focus groups close on Thursday 31st May. Take action now! More details below:
From the Crown Reserves Unit of the NSW Department of Industry
The NSW Government has a proud history of providing access to Crown land for recreation and community benefit. Representing more than 80% of all showgrounds in NSW, the network of 169 showgrounds on Crown land are multi use facilities providing diverse social and economic benefits for communities across the state.
Acknowledging the importance and diversity of showgrounds on Crown land – and the need to look to the future, the NSW Department of Industry – Land & Water wants to hear from managers and users groups to help inform directions for the sustainability of showgrounds now, and into the future.
The following outlines the upcoming activities and how you can be involved.
- Online survey – for all Crown reserve showground stakeholders
- This is an opportunity for all Crown showground managers and users to provide feedback to the Department about issues relating to showgrounds on Crown land.
- Surveys are open until Sunday 27 May 2018.
- There is one survey for Crown showground managers and one for showground users.
- Everyone is encouraged to complete the survey.
- Focus groups – for selected managers and users of showgrounds – expression of interest
- Four focus groups will be held at Armidale, Dubbo, Penrith and Wagga.
- These face-to-face focus group sessions will provide an opportunity for selected participants to contribute in a small group, interactive forum where issues relating to showgrounds on Crown land will be explored in more detail.
- Please note that numbers are limited – only 1 nominee per showground manager or 1 representative of a showground user group, will be considered.
- Nominating to attend one of these sessions does not guarantee your place and attendees will be selected by the Department to provide a balanced representation of managers and users.
- Nominations close Thursday 31 May 2018.
Location Dates & Times
Wagga Wagga Tuesday 5 June
9.30am – 12.30pm
Penrith Wednesday 6 June
9.30am – 12.30pm
Armidale Wednesday 13 June
9.30am – 12.30pm
Dubbo Thursday 14 June
9.30am – 12.30pm
Selected participants will receive an email confirming they have been selected to participate in one of the focus groups, along with details of venues etc.
Register your interest to attend here:
Feedback from the online survey and the focus groups will be used by the Department to inform future directions for showgrounds on Crown land. All responses will be treated confidentially.
Crown showground managers are encouraged to forward details of the survey and focus group sessions to their user groups.
We appreciate your time and look forward to your input.
If you would like further information, please email
Yours sincerely,
Crown Reserves Unit
NSW Department of Industry